Interactive TV
Smart TV: modern tool for marketing in tourism.
Besides typical media such as TV, printed medium and new media such as Internet and mobile phones, we offer a new product: Smart TV. These TV sets, analogous to Smartphones, are equipped with Apps Smart TV gadgets with new functions. Since August 2012, Sitour has been running the Smart TV, together with Samsung, LG and German telecommunication company Smart TV App “Panorama TV”. Users are thus provided with panoramic shots related to weather
in the best destinations whenever and repeatedly. The Smart TV makes it possible to watch a respective video in HD quality at any time. All important television manufacturers now pay attention to this medium. Feratel has been a witness to it from the very beginning and has reached up to 100.000 accesses (open pages) from its clients every day. This trend is permanently going up.
Live ski centre shots can be watched in HD quality, it is possible to display information about weather or tourism from any region. More than 1.8 accesses to the Panorama TV App in December 2012 prove the huge potential of this new medium.